Studio Settings
Overview of Studio Settings
Studio Settings is where you can set your default options for General, Payments, Marketing, Notifications, Social Media, Style, and Batch Import.
General settings are common to all branches and studio locations.
Studio Name: The public studio name displayed at the top the dashboard.
Studio Email: The default email address for all locations, if a branch email is not entered.
Subdomain: The first part of your Karmasoft URL, before .karmasoftonline
Logo: Click on this image to change or upload your logo.
Disclaimer: This is the text students see when they sign up for classes online.
Thank You Message: Customize the Thank You email students will receive when they buy a product at your studio.
Short Description for Karmasoft Portal: The public description on the Karmasoft Market place.
After purchase text: Message to the customer at the end of the transaction.
After purchase tracking code: Tracking code from to help you keep track and data on your shopping cart.
Online Class Booking: Check this box to enable online booking. Uncheck the box to disable online booking.
Max Booking Duration: How far out a student can book a class.
Workshop Booking: Check this box to enable workshop booking via your online store. Uncheck the box to disable online workshop booking.
Waitlist: Check this box to allow students to add themselves to an online waitlist when a class is at capacity, via your schedule page.
Waitlist Grace Period: If using the waitlist feature, set a number of minutes before class time when the waitlist option will close.
Assistants: Check this box to allow an assistant or assistant teacher to be added to a class.
Display Assistants: If using the Assistants feature, check this box to allow the assistant to be visible via your online schedule.
Instructor Photos: Check this box if you want your instructor's photo to show in the embedded schedule on your website. Uncheck to show the schedule without photos.
BCC Studio: Check this box to copy the studio owner on all emails sent through Karmasoft. Set the preferred email address in the default email field.
Email Subscriptions: Check this box to automatically add new students to your auto-notification lists.
Currency Symbol: Add your local currency symbol in this field.
Charge Cooldown: Customize the number of days for retries on failed auto pay session cards.
Member Store Branch: Select a branch from the drop-down menu. This will be the branch linked to your online store.
Order Based Auto-Pay: Option to use original order amount on all subsequent auto-pay charges.
Embedded Leads Form Settings:
- Title: The form title
- Button Name: The label on the sunscribe button.
Limit how long before the start of a class a booking can be canceled (0 for unlimited): The format for this is Days and Hours. If you set [Days] to 2 and [Hours] to 1 this would mean that a student would have to cancel 49 hours before the start a class.
Add custom fields to your invoices/receipts.
See your payment history for Karmasoft and update your credit card info.
Click the Update Payment Details button to update your credit card info.
Connect your email Marketing server with Mailchimp.
Note: To manually export data to another third party marketing (or other) software, see the export data tutorial. If you don't know your API key, click the link provided. Once connected, you'll see details from your Mailchimp mailing lists.
Here you will see some paid and free freatures you can add-on to your Karmasoft subscription.
Email Notifications
Choose and customize your auto emails in a WYSIWYG editor.
Note: there is an ON/OFF check box next to each notification. Click the box to the ON setting to enable each notification.
Welcome Message: Email to all new students, or any new entry to your database from your website or the front desk. Every email sent will include your logo and your default email address.
Absent Message: Email sent to a student after they've been absent for a fixed number of days. Set the fixed number of days in the text box provided. This email will only get sent once per absent period.
Card Expiry Message: Email sent to a student when their membership plan is about to expire, or they have less than 3 classes left on a package. There are two WISYWIG editor screens so you can write different messages for class count and membership packages.
Birthday or Anniversary Greeting: Birthday or anniversary emails are a great way to stay connected to your students or offer specials.
Waitlist: If you're using the waitlist feature for online booking, this is where you customize the email sent to students notifying them of their status before class.
Instructor or Student Class Reminders: Check this box to send auto email reminders to every instructor (or student) before their class.
Substitution Emails: Check this box to send emails to the active instructors requesting their response to a substitution request.
Student notes: Check this box to send emails when a student task or note is created.
Booking Confirmation: Check this box to confirm by email every time a class or a workshop is booked or canceled.
Allow instructors to confirm sub: Check this box if you'd like the instructor asking for a sub to be able to confirm a switch. Leave it to OFF if you'd prefer the admin-owner to confirm a switch.
Social Media: Automate your social media connections.
Simply add your URLs for any or all social media platforms you use: Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google Plus, and Instagram.
Enter your information only once, and Karmasoft will add social media links to every email.
Footer Links
Add all your social media link, terms of Use and Privacy Policies all in one place. All links will be added at the footer of all email communications.
Customize your pages to be consistent with your studio branding.
Change the color scheme on your global page, online schedule, workshop page, instructor bio page, and e-commerce store.
Notice you can change the colors with a code name, or using the on-screen color maps.
By leaving the text field blank, the color default will be transparent.
Click SAVE before switching tabs to save the new information.
Batch Import
Easily switch to Karmasoft from another software platform.
Use the Batch Import screen to easily upload any targeted data from your computer, without re-entering all of your studio information.
Select purchase items, session cards, gift cards, products, vendors, classes, students, student plans, or students.
Select the data file click Import