Sales Reports
Sales Reports
A detailed and comprehensive sales reports, focusing on:
- Payment Method: A break down of sales by payment types.
- Date: A break down of sales by date.
- Location: A break down of sales by branch locations.
- Category: A break down of sales by product category.
- Product: A break down of sales by product.
- Tax: Sales tax break down by products.
- Tab: Tab transactions. Spent and amount added to tab.
- Class: Sales break down by class/lesson.
- Workshop: Sales by workshops.
- Best/Worst Sellers: Filter sales by best selling products.
- Vendor: Sales by vendors.
- Coupon: Total sales redeem by coupons.
- Void/Refund: Break down of sales refunds/voids.
You can filter each report by branch and date range.
The default view of the reports maybe pie or bar charts, to give you the most comprehensive representation of your studio sales. However you can also see a list view by clicking View Transactions.
When you move your cursor over each section of the graph, a pop up window display a quick summary of the data.