
How to hire great yoga instructors

There are thousands of yoga instructors on the market today, all with different trainings, credentials, and classroom styles. But how do you find a teacher that will appeal to your students, promote the message of your studio, and be a reliable employee that you can trust with your business?

You don't just want an average yoga teacher, you want a yoga great teacher

Someone who keeps your students engaged, excited, and coming back for more classes. Someone who is creative, adaptable, friendly, and most importantly, someone who you connect with. Use these 6 easy steps to find and manage truly great yoga instructors, increasing your student base and profits.

1. Write down your yoga instructor "Must Haves"

Identify the qualities and credentials most important to you and the goals of your yoga studio. This helps you to clarify and narrow down what you're asking for in an instructor. For example, do you want someone with multiple yoga teacher certifications? With a minimum number of years as a yoga practitioner? Do you want someone who will follow your directives in the classroom or create their own curriculum? Someone who brings their own personality into the yoga practice or someone who keeps it more simple?

2. Value passion for teaching over classroom experience

A great yoga instructor is someone who not only loves the yoga your studio offers, but is passionate about teaching your students. Experience doesn’t necessarily translate to an enjoyable class. Instead of a full resume, look for someone with that spark, and the ability to communicate that passion to your students.

3. A great yoga instructor is student centered

An easy way to tell if someone will add value to your yoga studio is to determine if their first priority is supporting and respecting your students. Look out for red flags on this topic, for example a teacher who is more interested in performing their own material or maintaining zealous adherence to a set of rules, and never adapts to requests or concerns.

4. Choose someone your students relate to

If you don't feel engaged talking to a potential yoga teacher, most likely you're students wont either. Spend time talking with your candidate, get to know them as a person. Start with some lead-in questions: Why did you become a yoga teacher? How has your yoga practice influenced your life? What are some of your hobbies, goals, etc.? You want someone who can talk to your student outside of the classroom, express their own personality and relate to a diverse student base. A great yoga instructor is someone confident enough to express themselves and their goals, inside and outside the yoga room.

5. See a potential

See a potential for growth in the qualities you desire in a teacher, for example leadership ability, confidence, multitasking, or handling problems that come up in the yoga room.

6. Ask your students

It's true that many students are looking for different qualities in a yoga teacher. Some want a supportive caretaker, others want a teacher who cracks the whip. Create an online survey for your students on their favorite qualities in a teacher. For new hires, enlist some of your loyal students to take their class, and then listen to their feedback.

Remember, the right yoga instructors will help your business grow, so go with your gut and have fun shopping for the best!

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